M.J Modern Music Website Accessibility
This page is designed to help user disability, enabling users to use this website effectively.
About this website
- The header contains the title of the page with the M.J Modern Music logo, accessibility links, and the main menu, which contains links that show the main pages on the site.
- The middle column contains the main text area of the site and consists of the main content or information for the page.
- The right-hand side column if the page has one, contains useful information and images relevant to the current page.
- The footer, at the bottom of the page, contains navigation links similar to the header. If the page contains a lot of text, users have no need to scroll back to the top of the page to find these links.
Accessibility help
The following sections describe some of the features that have been incorporated into this website to aid accessibility.
Accessibility statement
M.J Modern Music is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website for people with disabilities. The web content conforms to W3C/WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, Conformance Level AA.
Access keys
Most browsers support jumping to specific links by typing certain keys defined on the web site.
- In Windows, you can press ALT plus SHIFT plus the listed access key.
- On Macintosh, you can press CONTROL plus the listed access key, pressing ENTER will then take you to that page.
All pages on this site define the following access keys:
- Access key 0 - Skip navigation
- Access key 1 - Home page
- Access key 2 - Music
- Access key 4 - Our Tutors
- Access key 5 - How It Works
- Access key 6 - Schools
- Access key 7 - About Us
- Access key A - Accessibility Help
Making the most of site accessibility features
There is more information below on specific accessibility features. Further help on how to get the best from your own operating system software is available on the BBC's help pages:
Using assistive technology
Assistive technologies are products used by people with disabilities to help accomplish tasks that they cannot accomplish otherwise or could not do easily otherwise. When used with computers, assistive technologies are also referred to as adaptive software. Some assistive technologies rely on output of other user agents, such as graphical desktop browsers, text browsers, voice browsers, multimedia players and plug-ins. Assistive technology comes in many different forms, including:
- alternative keyboards or switches;
- braille and refreshable braille;
- screen magnifiers;
- sound notification;
- screen readers;
- speech recognition;
- scanning software;
- speech synthesis (speech output);
- tabbing through structural elements;
- text browsers;
- voice browsers.
Tab Indexing
The site is designed to make tabbing through a page easy. The order for tab indexing in a page is:
- accessibility links;
- main content links;
- sub menu content links;
- footer main content links.
- All content images used in this site include descriptive ALT attributes.
- Complex images include LONGDESC attributes or inline descriptions to explain the significance of each image to non-visual readers.
Visual design
- This site uses cascading style sheets for visual layout.
- This site uses only relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in visual browsers. The text size option can be used by clicking on the 'Font Size' buttons at the top of each page.
- If your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all, the content of each page is still readable.
Standards compliance
- Most pages on this site comply with all priority 1 guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
- This site validates as XHTML 1.0 Strcit.
- The stylesheets on this site are CSS 1.